B2C acquisition – scale up

How we scaled a new service line from zero to 96K per month using Paid Webinars

We launched and grew Summit Academy and Investment Club , and went from 0 to 100K per month in less than 3 months

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2020 - 2021

Increased in ROI revenue

How we scaled a new service line from zero to 96K per month using Paid Webinars

Case Study: Summit.io - Launching Summit Academy

How we scaled a new service line from zero to 96K per month using Paid Webinars


Summit.io, a forward-thinking crypto mining client, approached us with an ambitious goal. They were on the verge of launching a new service, Summit Academy, aimed at educating and engaging individuals interested in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrency mining. The challenge was not just about launching a new service; it was about making it profitable and generating leads in a highly competitive and technical market.

Project Execution

Our Approach

Understanding the intricacies of the crypto industry and the unique value proposition of Summit Academy, we devised a multifaceted marketing strategy to ensure a successful launch. Our plan hinged on three core elements:

  • Webinar Funnel Creation: Recognizing the power of education in the crypto space, we developed a killer webinar funnel. This was not just about sharing information; it was about crafting an engaging narrative that highlighted the benefits of Summit Academy, driving registrations, and ultimately converting attendees into paying customers.
  • Social Media Advertising: To reach a broader audience and generate buzz around Summit Academy, we launched targeted social media ad campaigns. These ads were meticulously designed to capture attention, drive traffic to the webinar, and create a community of interested learners around Summit Academy.
  • Sales Team Development: We built a dedicated sales team from scratch. This team was trained to understand the nuances of the crypto market and the specific value Summit Academy offered. Their role was critical in following up with leads generated from the webinars and ads, providing personalized attention, and closing sales.

Throughout this process, we continuously optimized our approach. The webinar content was refined to ensure it resonated with our target audience and maximized conversion rates. Similarly, ad campaigns were regularly adjusted based on performance data to ensure the highest possible ROI.


The Outcome

The results of our comprehensive strategy were astounding. In less than 90 days from the launch of Summit Academy, we achieved remarkable success:

  • Revenue Growth: From a standing start, Summit Academy generated $96,000 in revenue. This was a significant achievement for a completely new service line in the competitive crypto education market.
  • Lead Generation: Our targeted approach not only generated immediate revenue but also built a solid foundation of interested prospects for other Summit services.

This case study exemplifies the power of a well-orchestrated marketing strategy in launching and scaling new services. Summit.io's Summit Academy went from being an idea to a profitable service line, all within a quarter, thanks to strategic planning, execution, and continuous optimization.

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